
Tuesday, October 05, 2004

The Amazing Healing Power of a Good Husband, a Good Doctor and a Good Shopping Spree

This will have to be short, my home computer could self destruct at any moment. AAHHH, the pressure. I can hear the Jeopardy! Music in the background. "The answer is a prehistoric method of communication." "Oh, Alex I know this one, what is dial-up internet access???" "That's right Becky, you've won--Becky? Oh, she's lost her connection, too bad." Crap.

Ok, so I got in to see Doc H today, someone canceled, and I'll be honest, I tested him. It was a big test and if he failed, I was truly going to thank him for his time and walk into the arms of another man. Or woman. Doctor that is, of course! Well, guess what, he passed with flying colors!!! I was a little worried, he is a little of a spastic, but he did great. More on that tomorrow. You know my little buddy Sean? Well he just turned 3 Oct. First. Shout out to Sean, way to go little man! He is having a party on the 16th, but I probably won't make it due to the fact that it's an hour away and in the middle of the day. I don't climb into bed until 8am so the chances of me crawling out of bed before noon are slim to none. Before you think I am a total jerk, let me tell you, that shopping spree that so lifted my spirits today? It was mostly for him. There is a brand new Lego store near my house and I went insane in the membrane. Hmm, the race car theme or the Zoo theme..... Well his mom worked in a zoo, and his dad is a mechanic..... What the hell I'll buy them both! Ohhhh, look at this little cup with his name on it!!!! I know he can't read, but he'll love it. Oh my gosh, the "Corduroy" book series! Mom used to read me about that bear! OK, throw that in too. Still think I am a monster?

My next stop was Old Navy. Love it! I bought 4 pairs of pants for me (all on sale) and 2 shirts for Chris. Next stop, Tower records. CD for Chris, magazine for me. Had to have comfort food, MMMMMM Round Table Pizza. Yummy! Hey, what's that? It's a new book from one of my favorite authors, I'll take that! Oh, a Far Side mini calendar! Perfect for my locker at work! The little boxes will perfectly fit for writing in my OT shifts that I will have to work, to make up for the cost of this spree. (Lucky there is no shortage of overtime.) On to the video store. Three funny, (I hope) films for tonight. Then---OMG my dog Riley just farted. She actually had the audacity just now to turn and look at her own bum, like, was that me? Ew! Maybe it was the Scooby Snacks I bought them. Wow, my eyes are watering so bad I almost can't see the screen. I could bottle that stank and send it overseas for the troops.

I digress. So my husband, worked that golf tournament just so he could spend the afternoon and evening with me, right? He didn't get home until 6pm!!!! He had a horrible headache, was totally sunburned and hadn't slept in 24 hours. But God bless him he took me to dinner, slept a little while, (both at the restaurant and then at home) and then we took the dogs to the park in the middle of the night. Then we watched a movie. And snuggled. It was great. My birthday is coming up. Halloween. Greatest birthday in the world. Tomorrow I'll link to show you what costume I picked out. Thank you for the support guys, boy did it help. Till tomorrow, G'night!!!!


Stacy said...

My birthday is the 27th. So I am a scorpio too! Sounds like the shopping spree was fun.

JenP said...

You know what I want? For animal farts to ALWAYS have noise...so that people KNOW it was the ANIMAL and not the owner!!!

My cat has some pretty damn awful gas after a night on the mice party and whew....I swear people think I'm gassier than I already am. At least if his little rump squawked a bit they'd know who the rightful farter is!!!

Hope you're doing well!